HIS104      TEN DAYS THAT SHOOK THE WORLD      Lecture Key Terms

Lecture 6:    Day 4  October 31, 1517 Martin Luther nails his 95 Theses to the church door - The Reformation &
                       Day 5  September 15, 1935 - Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor (Nuremberg Race Laws [Blood Laws])
                                         The Racial State Defines Judaism - From Christian Redemptive to Exterminationist Antisemitism 
                                         (Part 2: The Judeo-Christian Conflict in Western Civilization - "The Left Hand of Christology")

The Dark Ages


The Second German Revolt Against The West (772)

Holy Roman Empire -- The First Reich

The Great Schism (1054)

Barbarossa     Fredrick I  (1152-1190)

Teutonic Knights 


Papal Schism (sometimes called "Great Schism" too)
1348-1417  Rome Popes vs. Avignon Popes

Third German Revolt Against the West (1517-1648)

Martin Luther

95 Theses - October 31, 1517

printing press

On the Freedom of a Christian

Why the Pope and his Recent Book are Burned and Assertions Concerning All Articles.


Diet of Worms

Council of Trent: December 13, 1545 and December 4, 1563

Thirty Years War 1618 - 1648

Treaty (the Peace) of Westphalia

Christian redemptive antisemitism

Rosemary Radford Ruether, Faith and Fratricide:  The Theological Roots of Anti-Semitism, New York:  Seabury Press, 1974.

Rosemary Radford Ruether, in Eva Fleischner (editor),“Antisemitism and Christian Theology”, in Auschwitz:  Beginning of a New Era? New York:  KTAV Publishing, 1977

"...as the left hand of Christology."

Chrysostom (4th Century CE)

anti-Judaic canonical laws


“new Christians”

Blood Libel

Martin Luther
Concerning the Jews and Their Lies

The Enlightenment


The Emancipation of the Jews

The Fourth German Revolt Against the West
The Wars of Independence 1806 - 1813

The 'proto-Nazis'

Johann Gottlieb Fichte
Ernest Moritz Arndt
Frederick Ludwick "Father" Jahn
secular racist antisemitism / nationalist eliminationist antisemitism

"the Jewish Problem"
Richard Wagner (1813 - 1883)
Valkyrie - Siegfried - Gotterdamerung (Twilight of the Gods)

Bayreuth Circle

Joseph Arthur Gobineau  (1816-1882) 
Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races

Huston Stewart Chamberlain (1855-1927
Foundations of the 19th Century


Paul de Lagarde  - 1827- 1891

Juilius Langbehn

Protocols of the Elders of Zion

National Socialist exterminationist antisemitism and
Fifth German Revolt Against the West (1933-1945) The Third Reich

Daniel Goldhagen
Hitler’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust

Sarah Gordon
Hitler, Germans and the “Jewish Question”

Shulamit Volkov
“The Written Word and Spoken Word: On the Gap Between Pre-1914 and Nazi Anti-Semitism”
in Furet, Francois, (Ed)
Unanswered Questions: Nazi Germany and the Genocide of the Jews

Alfred Rosenberg
The Myth of the Twentieth Century (1929)

"Blood and Soil"


Volk Volksgemeinschaft Volksgenosen

Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)

Nazi "Green" Laws

Raul Hilberg - "Stages of Genocide"

The Decree for the Re-establishment of a Professional Civil Service
April 7, 1933

Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor (Nuremberg Race Laws [Blood Laws] ) – announced at Nuremberg rallies on September 15, 1935.

Reich Citizenship Law November 14, 1935.


nullum crimen sine lege vs nullum crimen sine poena

"Roman Law" vs. German (Nazi) "Common Law"

Adolf Eichmann


Evian Conference

Law for the Prevention of Genetically Diseased Offspring (July 14, 1933)

"Authorization of the Destruction of Life Unworthy of Life" (Medical Murder "Euthanasia")

"The Hypodermic Belongs in the Hand of the Physician"

Einsatzgruppen / Einsatzkommandos (Mobile Killing Battalions)

Perpetration Induced Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (Pi-PTSD)

IG Farbenindustrie (IG Farben)


End of the Fifth German Revolt Against the West (May 1945)

Crimes Against Peace (Conspiracy to Commit Aggression)
War Crimes
Crimes Against Humanity (Genocide)